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    Stroynowski, A.
    Szczęsny StanisŁaw Potocki - the activiti parliamentary [Текст] = Парламентская деятельность Станислава Щенсного Потоцкого / A. Stroynowski // Гілея: науковий вісник = Гилея: научный вестник = Gileya: scientifi c herald : Збірник наукових праць. - 2014. - Випуск 89. - С. 129-134. - Бібліогр. у кінці ст. . - ISSN 2076-1554

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Potocki Szczęsny Stanisław -- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth -- the Polish parliamentary of XVIII age -- Ukraine of XVIII age
Аннотация: Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki is the form known generally. However he didn't have solid education. He wasn't able to match the good wife for himself. However he possessed the great property and influence. And therefore he was playing the great role in history of the Commonwealth Polish-Lithuanian in the other middle of 18th age. He is most often judged wrongly. He has been accused of: pride, the weakness of character, being subject to such people's influence, how: czarina Katarzyna II Large, Grigorij Potiomkin, Seweryn Rzewuski and Ksawery Branicki Franciszek. Potocki is too responsible for the rise of the confederation to Targowica and the 2nd he lost of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They are forgetting about his activity in the Seym, whom in 1782 years – 1786 was leading as the senator and ruthenian governor. In 1788 wanted the year to become the president of the Seym. And therefore he gave ruthenian governor's office up and he became the member of Parliament from Bracław. However he became the president of the Seym of Stanisław Małachowski. However they aren't speaking about of him speeches in the Seym and about their importance. It is the indubitable error. Potocki has always performed in these four next Seyms in matters of consequence. In 1782 supported the decision about to remove the bishop Kajetan Sołtyk. He showed deftly that the bishop was mentally ill. In 1784 of year opposed for paying for the king's debts. He called on to savings then. He gave too the example to generosity for needs for the state. He ensured money then on 24 cannons and 400 soldiers of infantry. In 1786 was defending the freedom of the statement from the year in the Seym. He occurred against the law-breaking election of gentility. The project reported reforms of regional councils. In 1788 was trying to lead the king from the year to the agreement with the opposition. He was defending existence of the military department of the unremitting piece of advice then. He was warning against the alliance with Prussia and he didn't want of breaking with Russia. He went out from Poland finally in January 1789, bcause he didn't agree with changes. The end of his career was in the Seym. Potocki was making a speech in the intelligible way, gaining recognition assembled. He was making a speech quite hardly, because only 16 times during these 4 Seyms. However they referred to his speech of only important matters. They were arousing the interest and he has often been admired for his devotion to the state. Potocki in one's speeches has always tried to refer to rational arguments. He has never exceeded also in his occurrences of limits of the good manners.
Зазвичай найбільш висвітлиним є особисте життя і фінансове становище Станіслава Щенсного Потоцького. В історіографії підкреслюються недоліки в його освіті і залежність від впливу радників, що привело його до скликання Торговицької конфедерації, яка перекреслила всі його попередні заслуги. Не говориться, однак, про його парламентську діяльність. Він говорив досить рідко, тому що тільки 16 разів виступав протягом роботи цих 4 сеймів. У своїх виступах Потоцький завжди намагався звертатися до раціональних аргументів, хоча іноді також ефективно звертався до емоцій слухачів. Він ніколи також не переступав у своїх виступах етичних рамок.
Наиболее изученным в науке есть личная жизнь и финансовое положение Станислава Щенсного Потоцкого. В историографии подчеркиваются недостатки в его образовании и зависимость от мнения советников, преведшее в результате к Торговицкой конфедерации, которая перечеркнула его предыдущие заслуги. Не говориться, например, о его парламентской деяльности, которую в 1782 – 1786 годах осуществлял как сенатор, а в период работы Четырехлетнего сейма – брацлавского посла. Он говорил редко, выступал лишь 16 раз виступав во время работы 4 сеймов. В своих выступлениях С. Потоцкий всегда апеллировал к рациональным аргументам. Он никогда не переходил в своїх выступлениях этнических “границ”.
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